Monday, 18 August 2008

4 days

Can anybody say T-minus 4 days until I leave for a huge metropolis? I'm not that nervous though, but I wonder what it must feel like for people who have never been abroad, nor have seen China or any other Asian country besides the moderately-western Japan. It must be a big culture shock for anybody experiencing those types of things. Thankfully, I downloaded Skype prior to taking off so I won't have to worry about that. In the meantime though I should boost up my vocabulary a bit so I will be ready for the exam they'll give that will place me in a certain catagory. For now they placed me in Advanced I Chinese, but we'll see if I remember much. I haven't really had a fluent conversation with a native speaker in a while, so it should be fun as I pronounce all the characters in the Japanese equivilant of each Chinese character.

1 comment:

lol mandarin said...

HAHA. IN RETROSPECT, isn't it hilarious that you thought the nyu program would be anything other than a joke?